So after getting the general consensus that my blasterborn staying seated in their venom will be awesome, I have decided that my list is pretty much ready for critique.
Archon w/ Blaster 75 (Joining the four blasterborn in their venom.)
Four Blasterborn in a Venom(w/ either Night Shields or an extra Splinter Cannon) 173
10x Kabs with blaster and cannon in a Raider(w/ FF) 185
10x Kabs with blaster and DL in a Raider(w/ FF) 200
Ravager with FF 115
Total ends up at 748.
I hate painting Wyches and would rather field painted models only, so that's why they are lacking. My main questions would be is the DL in the second squad worth the points or should I just get another cannon and move the last 15 points somewhere else? Also Night Shields or Splinter Cannon on the Venom? Or both and exchange that DL in squad 2 for a cannon?
I figure this list covers my anti-tank with the ravager and three extra dark lances, covers infantry with all the cannons, and covers speed because it's evil space elven pirates.
Should I change it up? Do you all think this will be somewhat solid?