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 Fluff Ideas required

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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 28 2012, 21:48

I'm looking for ideas to add to my cabals/archons fluff. The general idea is that my Archon has a fascination with lost artifacts of power, and will pour resources into tracking them down. They can be pretty much anything, pre fall or after, elder or non elder. Long lost weapons wielded by heroes and villains that have been forgotten under the sands of time.

Feel free to be as creative you want, my archon will follow any juicy rumor... afro

Name of artifact, its trait and the story behind it.


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In Exile

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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 11:12

You can go for the blank-souled powered swords of the Ciralix sector. Very popular amongst the ranking members of the Commissariat there due to the two star-commissars there. Zachary Carrus and Michelle Ionza after the year M42, as the Commissariat for odd reasons uses them as model-commissars.

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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 14:12

The wraithshield Projector.
A product of eldar experimentation at the height of their powers, the wraithshield projector was intended to shield their most secret technological developments from prying eyes by establishing a webway bubble around its target to confound and confuse scanning arrays. A malfunction in the field generation matrix however meant that the webway bubble generated rather than being a temporary construct that prevented detection actually translocated its target into the webway, completely removing it from the material universe.

Despite the clear benefits of such technology, upon further testing it became apparent that use of the projector not only established its target within the webway, but weakened the thin veil of reality between the material universe and the aether. Deeming the potential for daemonic intrusion too dangerous to investigate further, the ancient eldar buried the projector and the secrets of its construction forever.

Or so they thought...

Tan? You're joking, I'm a gamer, you're lucky I'm wearing deodorant!

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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 16:34

You should have him intercept a ungodly old television transmission, and mistakenly think that the TARDIS is a lost relic from humans past! I could only imagine how furious an archon would be after spending such resources to find something that would be one of the most powerful weapons in the universe, only to discover that it was nothing more than a entertainment program.


Quote :
Despite the clear benefits of such technology, upon further testing it became apparent that use of the projector not only established its target within the webway, but weakened the thin veil of reality between the material universe and the aether. Deeming the potential for daemonic intrusion too dangerous to investigate further, the ancient eldar buried the projector and the secrets of its construction forever.

Then numerous Ork Mekboyz managed to perfect the science that the eldar were attempting to achieve (in the way that an Ork perfects ANYTHING) and blow themselves up with it... (C:O Pg 35)

No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.
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In Exile

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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 17:26

I dont mean to be harsh, but...

Intercepting a TV-program as fun as that sound I must just say no. The DE are intelligent enough to realize what the hell is TV and what ain't.
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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 17:53

Beaviz81 wrote:
Intercepting a TV-program as fun as that sound I must just say no. The DE are intelligent enough to realize what the hell is TV and what ain't.

Its entirely possible that DE would mistake the TARDIS as they have never seen T.V before so they would assume it was a blurry vidio instead of special effects. They think the impierium to be primative now so you could imagine that they would underestimate their filming and special effects technology.

Mmmmnn Dracons... their brains are sooooo tasty- Archon V'rach of the Waning frost.
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In Exile

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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 17:59

They would also intercept a news-cast and realize the truth.

This idea is insane, nothing else.
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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 18:19

Stiil you would have to wonder they would broudcast a 20,000 year old news program, docter who is always showing reruns. It is a hilarious idea regardless though. Say they intercepted the fictional origins and location of this not the tv program? That might be possible.

Mmmmnn Dracons... their brains are sooooo tasty- Archon V'rach of the Waning frost.
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In Exile

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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 18:27

Since I don't want the attention of the mods, I will shut up about my viewpoint.
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Lord of the Chat

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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 18:41

I think it's a good idea. Afterall, it is someone's fluff, and if they find it interesting then it doesn't have to be believable. This is the 41st millenium, with a realm that is home to daemons and space elves living in multi-dimensional tunnels. It could work.

Welcome to Commorragh!

Fluff Ideas required YiVCUio
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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 29 2012, 21:44

I think it could be especially plausible with one of the really old (maybe black and white) episodes. Where the special effects and acting aren't that great, and if they only catch a snip of the episode where it talks about it traveling in time and space and disappearing...

It could be one of those things where the technology is so old, it actually is underestimated and fools the new technology. It's happened in OUR lifetime (well, some of us), with something that's only a few decades old... whats to say what will happen in ?39,000?+ years?

The television waves could have hit a small warp pocket which degraded them and pooped them into commoragh so much time later...

No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.
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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 30 2012, 05:33

There's a rumor going around the more elite circles of wargear artisans that a famous armorsmith showed up in Commorragh after a disappearance of a couple hundred years. He went to his old Archon and promised him "the greatest protection possible", but was found the next day impaled on a spire. Word is, he found a way to make a shadow field that never shorts out. So where did he stash it, and how did he make it? Where was he for all of those years?

A couple of bounty hunters are starting to see a pattern in calls for thief-catching. A lot of great Kabals are being robbed. Uncommon for a big player to get robbed at all, even rarer for a call for help to be put out even on the clandestine channels. A trusted member of the house is linked to each theft, but their bodies are found shortly after, without cash, and, most notably, without faces. Someone is taking them, and getting rich in the process. A few crazy types reckon there's a Harlequin toy making the rounds.

Two Haemonculi have declared an open feud, each stating that the other one stole their masterpiece invention. Seemingly endless waves of Grotesques rampage through lower levels of the city, fighting with mindless abandon. The catch is, when one of them finally succumbs to its terrible wounds, their body reverts form into an ordinary Kabalite! The glorious violence isn't going to stop as long as their method of making these instant Grotesques holds out. A number of Covens are watching the action with hungry eyes, and the bravest might whisper that even the Lord of the city has taken a concern in the affair.

Fluff Ideas required Galo11
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Shadows Revenge
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Shadows Revenge

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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 30 2012, 15:08

the 99 Swords of Vaal would be an interesting find, If I remember right they are currently missing, with the only one having been found is the 100th which was the mortal sword (the harlies have it)

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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 30 2012, 15:19

Ruke wrote:
I think it could be especially plausible with one of the really old (maybe black and white) episodes. Where the special effects and acting aren't that great, and if they only catch a snip of the episode where it talks about it traveling in time and space and disappearing...

It could be one of those things where the technology is so old, it actually is underestimated and fools the new technology. It's happened in OUR lifetime (well, some of us), with something that's only a few decades old... whats to say what will happen in ?39,000?+ years?

The television waves could have hit a small warp pocket which degraded them and pooped them into commoragh so much time later...
Or maybe the Archon has decided he wants to track down the original TARDIS prop? It would certainly make for an interesting conversation piece, even if the Eldar knew (and they probably do) that it was just a TV show.
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PostSubject: Re: Fluff Ideas required   Fluff Ideas required I_icon_minitime

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