This list lacks reliable way of dealing with mass transports, therefore any mech IG or Wolves will be a damn hard matchup.
Also if you will meet GK (and you will) neither Wyches, nor Vect, nor Incubi will prove especially good.
Draigowing is a bad matchup for them, they are not able to defeat Paladins and Purifiers.
Basically against any shooting list you are placing both Wyches and Incubi in reserve or you will lose them both first turn cause they have target size of a scyscrapper painted at them.
With Dark Eldar you dont want to throw everything in one basket, cause we have a really squishy baskets.
If you do throw points in one basket that must be unit that can survive both shooting and assault. T3 Raider mounted squads are not one of those.
You are either making cloud of equal threat targets, or you hide high threat targets in reserve/use them at first turn, Razorwing is the perfect example of this. Treat your overcosted raider assault squads like it.
We just cant do it because of how easy it is to dispose of them.
Later im not especially hot on Venom Warriors either, their blaster rarely seems to do anything, so it was wiser to just switch for 3man Wracks in venoms.Thats a lot cheaper, and a 15 wracks aint shabby in assault either.
What i found about assault oriented characters, be it simple archons or crazy point SC, is that they dont really want to start with their assault squad. The best place for them is simple Venom with 3 wracks. We are one of 2 codexes that have 2+ invulnerable saves, their bearers can theorethically take any squad by themself, and for sure can take MSU squads that you will also see often.
And if you have a really hard target you can align with any squad you chosing ( that will have pain token already) to combine to really punch in your face unit that have Furious Charge from the start.
Thats far better then have 400 point raider that will be blown from the sky 146%.