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 2000pts no double force org

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PostSubject: 2000pts no double force org   2000pts no double force org I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 24 2013, 12:27

For a semi-competitive event I have the weekend after this one.

HQ - Succubus, venom blade (Warlord)
Haemo x 2

10 DE warriors, Raider, aethersails nightshields
8 Wyches, haywires, hekatrix venom blade Raider, aethersails nightshields
8 Wyches, haywires, hekatrix venom blade Raider, aethersails nightshields
8 Wyches, haywires, hekatrix venom blade Raider, aethersails nightshields
3 Wracks, Venom x2 Splinter cannons
3 Wracks, Venom x2 Splinter cannons

5 Incubi, Venom x2 Splinter cannons
3 Trueborn, x2 Splinter cannons, Venom x2 Splinter cannons
3 Trueborn, x2 Splinter cannons, Venom x2 Splinter cannons

9 Reavers, 3x heat lances, arena champ, venom blade
9 Reavers, 3x heat lances, arena champ, venom blade

Shedload of splinter, no anti-flyer but a colossal metric ton of reliable anti-tank as long as I can get there, which i think I will tbh with the amount of stuff I'll be flinging at the opponent. What I'm considering is dropping all haemos and succubus and putting in the Duke - a gamble yes but 1/3 of the time everyone who benefits from combat drugs is starting with FNP, or other benefits. Though I do need at least one haemo to make wracks troops. Duke Nukem also lets me Low Orbit Raid aka deep strike Ravagers, Raiders + VEnoms without paying for retrojets. But i have never utilised this when using Duke before. I could also drop succubus and swap a trueborn sqaud to DL's as well as give the haemos some toys ala liquifiers + a shattershard

There is a swear filter in place. Just because it is there it does not mean that you have to try and add symbols to your words to get through the censor. Please do not swear - Cavash.

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I'm afraid that would be far too
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: 2000pts no double force org   2000pts no double force org I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 24 2013, 22:22

My first impression of your list tells me that you want to run an aggressive assault list. That’s always fun Very Happy

First, don´t fall for the Duke trap, expensive, week Stateline, and he tries to do multiple trix at once, failing at all. Speaking of hqs, a succubus with a venomblade, don´t rally ad any damage of you compere her to ha hakatrix point for point. However, she’s the only hq that’s shines with an agonizer.

The 10 warriors I assume, hold an objective, and give there raider to a wychsqud after there own raider have crashed. They sheer that duty with the 3man wrack squads, and 10 splintershot at 24 don’t rally ad anything, nor is it in anyway impressive. Consider replacing them with wyches or wracks.

I advise you to remove both the sails and nightshields to save som pts

The few times I tried those, they didn’t rally add anything, the raiders takes you to wherever the enemies are just fine without them.

In a game of premeasuring and long range firepower, the shields are a waste of points. The purpose of the shields was to have the raider outside rapidfire range, something premeasuring do just as well. It does not rally save you from missile launchers or battle cannons anyway.

One poor incubi squad is going to be a high priority target once you get close, and with 3 venoms, you have splinter fire. Consider replacing the splinterbourn with incubi squads.

Have you considered those? They are great for area denial, and scare the crap out of most enemies. And if they reach cc, they break faces.

Anyway, that’s my thoughts, hope they help.
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PostSubject: Re: 2000pts no double force org   2000pts no double force org I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 25 2013, 02:23

I agree with the majority of Talos' suggestions, except that I don't necessarily think the Duke is a bad idea. His statline isn't bad. It's identical to Baron Sathonyx who people seem to love, with a better armor save, a 2+ invulnerable save, and better offense with his poisoned blades. Furthermore, his combat drugs ability, poisoned weapons upgrade, and deep strike add utility to your entire army.

If you're going to use him, however, I'd build your army around him. You're already going to have a good start with all the wyches and reavers getting drugs upgrades, but if I used sliscus, I would probably go all-out MSU, and field as many deep-striking venoms as possible, filled with drugged up wyches who have a hekatrix+aggonizer.

I personally like to avoid taking warriors or trueborn in some of my sliscus lists, ignoring his poison upgrade sometimes in favor of exploiting the combat drugs to the maximum degree. You can get a lot of poison shots just from your venoms if you run MSU wyches. If you DO take a unit of trueborn or warriors to utilize his poison upgrade ability, I'd suggest starting him with that unit, and turn 1 having him join a more fighty unit that will better utilize his CC ability. A unit of 9 Trueborn with 2 splinter cannons and 7 shardcarbines wounding on 3+ from a raider can make a scary gunboat. (29 3+ poisoned shots)
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: 2000pts no double force org   2000pts no double force org I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 25 2013, 09:14

BetrayTheWorld wrote:

I personally like to avoid taking warriors or trueborn in some of my sliscus lists, ignoring his poison upgrade sometimes in favor of exploiting the combat drugs to the maximum degree.

I agree, this is the best way to use him
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PostSubject: Re: 2000pts no double force org   2000pts no double force org I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 25 2013, 23:13

apologies about the (non)swearing. No attempt to get round the filter, which I wasn't in the knowledge of it existing in the first place. But wont happen again - or initially in the first place.
No worries. I also apologise for seeming snappish. Cheers - Cavash.

regards feedback - Yeah I agree the kabalite elements are proving to be annoying. I dropped the Succubus, haemo and a couple of upgrades to put Siliscus in for the last two games (a stomping against a 4 stormraven GK/BA army and a win against IG) and whilst that one trueborn squad having 3+ splinters on their SC's is nice, it is a pain having him start with either them or the KW. I may draft another squad of wyches. The KW's were there purely for the chance to bubble wrap against pods + provide an extra raider.

Quote :
A unit of 9 Trueborn with 2 splinter cannons and 7 shardcarbines wounding on 3+ from a raider can make a scary gunboat. (29 3+ poisoned shots)

I have used a similar unit a lot previously, and whilst its tempting it hoovers up so many pts, doesn't score and tends to get one, maybe two if your lucky good shooting phases before the opponent annihilates it for the threat that it is. Therefore not to keen to replicate it.

Also, NS + AS are a winning combo IMO. Everyone sees NS as being for avoiding rapid fire etc, and a lot seem to think AS don't add anything. However, you can often set up just out of range from your opponent's reduced range guns, then your 12" + 2D6 on top of your flat out moves can really make the difference in getting behind spaced out LOS blocking terrain and having to run the dubious gauntlet of taking 4+ on the raiders from incoming fire + dealing with the consequences of ERS. For me, aethersails are nearly as good for combat DE armies as disruption pods were for Tau vehicles.

Funnily enough, from my last couple of games I've found taht the Incubi are actually a weak link in this army and though (as many DE players realise) Incubi can be more of a psychological weapon than an actual one in the game, they are eating a lot of pts.

Haemo, Liquifier - 60

8 wyches, heka, VB, all haywires, Raider NS AS 186
8 wyches, heka, VB, all haywires, Raider NS AS 186
8 wyches, heka, VB, all haywires, Raider NS AS 186
8 wyches, heka, VB, all haywires, Raider NS AS 186
3 wracks, venom, x2 SC 95
3 wracks, venom, x2 SC 95

Fast Attack
9 Reavers, x3 heat lances, champ, venom blade 249
9 Reavers, x3 heat lances, champ, venom blade 249

Voidraven, flicker x1 shatterfield 165

Eldar Allies
Doomseer, bike, RofWarding 125
3 Guardian Jetbikes 66


Is this better or worse? I now only have 2 venoms as opposed to 5, though more to benefit from Siliscus, a Voidraven and anti-psyker (which is gonna be nerfed next month big time)

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I'm afraid that would be far too
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PostSubject: Re: 2000pts no double force org   2000pts no double force org I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 26 2013, 02:04

I dig where your going with this, but I echo the suggestion for some taloi. I like list 1 best but losing 1 haemie and the incubi for 2 talos + tllg's and swapping the warriors for that 4th wyche squad. Havent done the math but I think it fits.
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PostSubject: Re: 2000pts no double force org   2000pts no double force org I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 26 2013, 02:20

Personally, if you're only using allies for psychic defense, I'd drop the allies and just throw a crucible on your Haemi. Yeah, it's not foolproof, but neither is the psychic defense you're fielding, and it will cost 170 less points. Curcible also isn't nearly as bad as people think. It basically gives you about a 20% chance of one-shotting however many 200+ points characters you can fit within a ~10" bubble.

Further, I'd really consider dropping all of your troops choices to field MSU wyches. Your current troops cost is 934 pts.

For 990 pts, you could field 6x venoms, each carrying 5 wyches with haywires and a hekatrix w/PGL and Agonizer. I might even consider throwing a special weapon in there with them(shardnet or hydra gauntlets).

Maybe swap 1 of the wych units out for 3 bloodbrides in a venom, so that you can deploy your haemi and sliscus with them.

This would leave you with about 100 points, which you could use to field an ADL+Quad gun, and have one unit of wyches man it to give you a bit more AT/AA. (Or maybe a ravager, depending on how you manage upgrades)
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PostSubject: Re: 2000pts no double force org   2000pts no double force org I_icon_minitime

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