After reading Illic's ability to infiltrate units without any range restrictions I got to thinking-
Is it not possible to infiltrate Illic with a squad of fire-dragons?
Then, load those Fire Dragons into a wave serpent (as you can infiltrate squads within their dedicated transports.)
Then, using Illic as your warlord grants splitfire to the Fire Dragons.
Upgrade Fire Dragon exarch with fire-pike and give him fast-shot for an extra melta shot (order this unit to splitfire).
Without any restrictions on Infiltrate range, you can easily position this unit behind enemy armour, scoring easy rear pens.
With split-fire and some luck the squad itself should be capable of taking out 1-2 vehicles. While the Wave serpent could also potentially take out another vehicle target.
if the enemy positions himself in prep for this potential attack, he still faces a hefty melta-force, while exposing his rear armour (most likely) to the guns of the main army.