Hemonculi-venom blade, shattershard
Hemonculi-venom blade, liquifier
x5 incubi, venom-extra sc
x5 warriors, blaster, venon-extra sc
x5 warriors, blaster, venon-extra sc
x5 warriors, blaster, venon-extra sc
x9 wracks, liquifier, acothyst-agoniser, raider-aethersails, FF, Shock prow
x9 wracks, liquifier, acothyst-agoniser, raider-aethersails, FF, Shock prow
ravenger- FF
ravenger- FF
Razorwing-Splinter cannon-dark lance-stock missiles, FF
Have had great games with this list and have not lost with it yet. i know i dont have assauld gernades in my assaulting troops but i just tank shock to move stuff out of cover and then charge it. the venoms give a good fire base and the wracks have done more then i expected in almost every game i have played. the incubi are really a sergical knife and you have to know their target otherwise they can die really easy.