Hey guys!
I'm looking for input on a list I'm taking to a tournament soon. All missions are objective-based, kill points don't matter. My opponents will mostly be Eldar and Necrons, some Tau, some CSM, probably no IG.
Farseer, Jetbike
115 Pts.
50 Pts.
3x Kabalite Trueborn, 2 Splintercannons
+ Venom, Splintercannon, Night Shield
131 Pts.
5 Kabalite Warriors
+ Venom, Splintercannon, Night Shield
120 Pts.
5 Kabalite Warriors
+ Venom, Splintercannon, Night Shield
120 Pts.
3 Guardian Jetbikes
51 Pts.
Farseer goes here
3 Guardian Jetbikes, 1 Shuriken Cannon
61 Pts.
5 Dire Avengers
+ Wave Serpent, Scatter Laser, Holo-fields -> 135 Pkt.
200 Pts.
5 Dire Avengers
+ Wave Serpent, Scatter Laser, Holo-fields -> 135 Pkt.
200 Pts.
5 Dire Avengers
+ Wave Serpent, Scatter Laser, Holo-fields -> 135 Pkt.
200 Pts.
Heavy Support
240 Pts.
3 Dark Reapers, Exarch with Fast Shot
110 Pts.
Exarch using the Icarus lascannon
2 War Walkers, 4 Scatter Laser
140 Pts.
Hide behind the bastion and play move-shoot-move
Imperial Bastion, Icarus lascannon
110 Pts.
Total: 1848 Pts.
I'm worried about two things:
1) Is one Icarus lascannon enough anti-air or should I switch the War Walker for a Voidraven Bomber?
2) Do I have enough to deal with AV13 and AV14? If no, how could I fix it? I might face some Necron AV13 walls and I only really have the Wraithknight and Icarus lascannon to deal with those...
What do you think?