Hello fellow fearmongers
I plan to equip an Archon or Succubus with the Parasite's Kiss to dual wield with its standard splinter pistol, so I have a quick question or two about the Gunslinger special rule as it applies to our pistol-wielding HQs.
Why do it though? It's badass.
Having never used models with gunslinger nor, oddly, ever played against models with gunslinger, I would appreciate a confirmation on how ye olde rules spell out for models that already have multiple attacks.
(Gunslinger allows a model with 2 pistols to fire both in the shooting phase.)
According to my interpretation, this could go one of 2 ways:
The model has X attacks base. Gunslinger allows it to fire both for each attack, allowing for an effective total of 2X ATK. However, are these attacks treated as
a. X from one pistol and X from the second, or
b. 2X from a weapon of my choice, as in close combat. This would obviously be most dank.
Either way this seems extremely overpowered and I could not help but laugh out loud, as I now have a full 8 BS 7 poison attacks coming from my Archon, half (OR ALL???) of which are 2+ and regen wounds. He is basically a walking venom with a pimpin' flesh cape. AKA I scoff at your Carnifex. The real question would then become: for a measly 5 points, when would you ever NOT take the Kiss?