Hey all, my friend gave me a heap of Dark Eldar he never uses. So, here's my first shot at a list.
Outrider Detachment
HQ - Archon : Husk Blade, Splinter Pistol, 64 points
Fast Attack - Scourges, 4 with Dark Lances = 155 Points
Fast Attack - Scourges, 4 with Dark Lances = 155 Points
Fast Attack - Scourges, 15 with Shard Carbines = 210
Fast Attack - Scourges, 15 with Shard Carbines (Did I mention I Really, REALLY like Scourges?) 210
Fast Attack - Hellions, 10, Glaives = 170 Points
Fast Attack - Hellions, 10, Glaives = 170 Points
Flier - Razowing Jetfighter = Two Dark Lances, Twin Splinter Rifle = 155
Heavy Support = Ravager = Three Dark Lances = 155
Troop = 8 Warriors = 1500 on the dot
What do you guys think? I think I have enough dedicated anti-tank flying down the field to stop things from really hurting my guys, plus a heck load of carbine shots.