Yes, but would create that Paper/Rock/Scissors list building. Against Full melee, that foregoes shooting vs close combat could still benefit as you are not paying for shooty weapons.
One/(two) hemlock(s) cannot carry 2k pts list, against infantry heavy it just doesn't kill enough invicible or not.
I see more potential Cry out if Alaitoc can take all different units with the -1 benefit and from roster can take Shadow spectres, warp spiders, engines to vehicles of -1 to hit and so on to gain -2 to hit as standard and with conceal / other tricks -3 all around.
If on top of that one can be Craftworld Alaitoc, Ynnari and have best of both worlds (as in keeping the craftworld bonuses -1 to hit for example and gaining soul burst) we are looking at pretty broken combo's.