So here is the list I have been running for a few friendlys. For every game I have played it so far I have tabled my oponent.
Haemonculus - Liquifier Gun, Venom Blade - 65pts
Duke Sliscus - 150 pts
5 Incubi - Raider w/Night shields - 180pts
9 Truebor - 2xSplinter Cannon, 7xSharcarbine - 233
10 Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon in Raider w/Flicker Field - 185pts
10 Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon in Raider w/Flicker Field - 185pts
10 Warriors - Blaster, Splinter Cannon in Raider w/Flicker Field - 185pts
10 Wyches - Hekatrix, Agonizer, Shardnet Impaler, Razorflails - Raider w/Night shields - 220pts
Heavy Support
Ravager - Flicker Field - 115pts
Ravager - Flicker Field - 115pts
Ravager - Flicker Field - 115pts
Going to drop a trueborn with Shardcarbine and put Haywire granades on Wyches. Just been to lazy to upgrade it.