Hey guys I've only played a couple of games with DE so would appreciate any advice on this list you can give. My aim is to have a list that I can take to a tournament and I can have fun with, Im not after an instant win type list but I dont want an instant fail either, so throw me some comments/critisism
Archon - Huskblade, soul trap, PGL, drugs, shadow field
Haemonculus Ancient - Agoniser, WWP
Haemonculus - Hex rifle, venom blade, WWP
5 Incubi
W/ Raider
10 Mandrakes
9 Warriors - Blaster
W/ Raider
10 Warriors - Blaster
14 Wyches - Haywire grenades, 3x Hydra gauntlets
1 Hekatrix - Agoniser, PGL
9 Wyches - Haywire grenades, 2x Hydra gauntlets
1 Hekatrix - Agoniser
3 Reavers - Heat lance
Cronos - Spirit vortex, spirit probe
Talos - TL Heatlance, chain flails, CCW
Ravager - Night shields
The plan is start w/ ravager, incubi archon and Haemy in raider, warriors and ancient in raider, mandrakes infiltrate. 1st turn raiders zoom forward drop WWPs haemy joins mandrakes for shooty goodness, other haemy ancient to join wyches when they show up, everything to enter through wwp. my aim is to tie up the middle of table and hopefully, and for the points i think im low on kp (for DE anyway)
thanks for reading look forward to hearing your thoughts