Okay so today I got to try out my new table (realm of battle board) in my first home game.
My friend brought his tau round we rolled pitched battle and annihilation I won the roll off and chose to deploy and go first.
Haemonculus w/WWP
Haemonculus w/WWP
7 Wyches w/shardnet, hekatrix w/agoniser and haywires
7 Wyches w/shardnet, hekatrix w/agoniser and haywires
7 Wyches w/shardnet, hekatrix w/agoniser and haywires
7 Wyches w/shardnet, hekatrix w/agoniser and haywires in a
Raider w/Night Shields, Enhanced Aether Sails, Flickerfield
4 Trueborn w/blasters in
Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons and Night Shields, Enhanced Aether Sails
4 Beastmasters w/ 6 Razorwing Flocks and 5 Khymaera
Ravager 3 DL w/ Flickerfield and Night Shields
Ravager 3 Dissie w/ Flickerfield and Night Shields
Chronos w/spirit probe and spirit vortex
total 1498pts
His list was (sorry not accurate)
2 Shas'els (hardwired tracker, multi targeter and shields one w/plasma one w/missile pod cyclic blaster)
2 Bodyguard (each with plasma,missile pod shields)
3 man stealth suit team with sarge
3 man stealth suit team with sarge
6 man firewarrior w/sarge markerlight and carbine
6 man firewarrior w/sarge markerlight and carbine
6 man firewarrior w/sarge markerlight and carbine
3 Piranha 2 w/fusion
3 Man Broadside team 1 sarge all w/plasma rifle
(think thats it not clear on his list)
Set up before 1st turn
As seems to be the norm for my army I had the initiative stolen and the Tau started there ploy to convert me to the greater dead. Through a combo of good luck and night shields I survived the first turn with only a splinter cannon blown off the venom and everything else good to go.
End of Tau turn one
My go flew forward 12” with everything (after first disembarking the wyches from my raider) then disembarked the rest at just over the half way line. Shooting saw me kill a stealth suit and 2 broadsides along with a piranha and the gun off it’s buddy as well as more importantly placing 2 web ways down. In assault my homunculus charged 2 stealth suits (losing a wound but staying stuck in) and my wyches charged the 3 man stealth squad (wiping them at and consolidating into cover).
End of DE turn one
Tau turn 2 sees his 2 commander and 2 bodyguard unit o’doom show up and deep strike near my trueborn venom and DL Ravager ,the piranha move to get a shot on my venom everything else pretty much stays as it is. Shooting sees mt trueborn obliterated the venom fusioned to death and a wych lost from the squad in cover. In assault my homunculus loses and dies and the tau commanders move away from the web way wary of what it might spew forth.
End of Tau turn 2
My turn 2 time for some new blue skin coats for the girls, reserves gain me 2 wych squads and the chronos moving all to get charges on various squads. Shooting sees an epic fail for the ravager trying to see a sniper team (rolled a 4 on 2d6 twice!) the chronos fared better killing 5 gun drones and giving the wyches about to charge some fire warriors a pain token, with a poor fleet roll one squad of wyches goes back to hanging in some ruins and the last squad fleets to put them closer to terrain if they should win combat. Assault sees the two wych squads annihilate a stealth team (consolidating into the ruins) and running down some fire warriors (consolidating to stay in cover), the chronos wiffs and stays locked with 2 gun drones.
End of DE turn two
Tau turn 3 sees my opponent looking worried but undaunted his piranha tank shock through my wyches and ram my raider (one of the girls heroically throws herself in front of it blowing the remaining gun off it before being smeared across the fairings). Shooting sees my remaining ravager lose one of its dissies and get stunned the wyches that had just been tank shocked are reduced to one (the hekatrix by luck)by some serious crisis suit firepower. Assault sees the chronos wiff again!!! But more interestingly the crisis suit team decide to get closer (this will be their undoing).
End of Tau turn 3
The Girls are back in town - Remaining reserves arrive the beast masters set up to charge the crisis suits, and the freshly arrived wyches run toward the sniper team near his broadsides and the wyches hanging in the ruins near his other sniper team decide to break cover and head toward the snipers. Shooting sees fleeting across the board both wych squads near sniper teams fail to get enough to assault them but the beasts and remaining wyches get enough. Assault sees the beasts charge the crisis suit’s (winning combat by 5 and running the unit down before consolidating toward the remaining fire warriors and broadside), the wych squad killing a squad of fire warriors to the man (sorry tau) and consolidating toward the sniper team, and the remaining hekatrix missing the piranhas with a haywire grenade.
End of DE turn 3
Missing photos from tau turn 4 which saw my hekatrix run down by piranahs and a kyhmarae and beast master killed from the beast squad.
My turn 4 and effectively the end of the game (though my opponent held on till turn 6 with his piranha) ravager finally managed to spot the sniper team whom it blew to kingdom come, wyches charged the other sniper team destroying it and last but not least the beast masters multi assaulted the last remaining fire warriors and broadside killing all the fire warriors and running down the broadside.
End of DE turn 4
Cue the Benny hill music as the piranha turboed round the board chased by a mob of scantily clad ladies before being finally run down and destroyed in turn 6.
Final result - Kabal of the Poisoned Thorn Win! Tabling the Tau